A sha224 library
implements the SHA224 hash algorithms as defined in FIPS 180-4.
it's used to calculate account identifier from principal.
import SHA224 "mo:sha224/SHA224"; import Array "mo:base/Array"; import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8"; let data = [097, 098] : [Nat8]; let expect = [ 219, 60, 218, 134, 212, 66, 154, 29, 57, 193, 72, 152, 149, 102, 179, 143, 123, 218, 1, 86, 41, 107, 211, 100, 186, 47, 135, 139, ] : [Nat8]; assert(Array.equal(SHA224.sha224(data), expect, Nat8.equal));
A sha224 library
implements the SHA224 hash algorithms as defined in FIPS 180-4.
it's used to calculate account identifier from principal.